
I'm Zainudin Abdullah

Web Developer

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About me

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Hi, My name is Zainudin Abdullah. I'm a Web Developer from Indonesia. Detail-oriented, data-oriented and organized 'web developer' with over 2+ year experience designing and developing dynamic web applications, and the ability to work with teams.

See CV Hire Me
Skills Experience Education Certificate

Html & CSS











Sep 2020 - Feb 2021

Graphic Designer

La Mona Clinic

Responsible for creating aesthetically pleasing images accompanying written text using Illustrator and Photoshop applications. More or less also handle Marketing / Ads using Facebook Ads.

Jul 2020 - Apr 2021


Goodeva Technology

Training as well as working on 'real projects' using the Laravel 7 Framework. Doing FrontEnd and BackEnd tasks and debugging.

Apr 2021 - Aug 2021


PT. Bangun Kreatif Abadi

Responsible for managing data exchange between servers and users using JavaScript Frameworks such as NodeJS and ReactJS and starting to learn to use Linux OS.

Aug 2021 - Now

Web Programmer

PT. Sentra Vidya Utama

Received scholarships and work contracts at Sevima (Sentra Vidya Utama) as a Web Programmer by working as a team and handling Sevima products

2009 - 2015

Primary School

SD Islam Cikiwul 3

2015 - 2018

Junior high school

Bekasi City 8 State Junior High School

2018 - 2021

Software Engineering

Bekasi City 2 Vocational High School

Graduated on time with a Competency Exam score of 91.29

2021 - 2025

Information Systems Department

Malang Binus Online Learning

Issued, 15 February 2021

English Club of the Bekasi City 2 Vocational High School

Religious Section

Check it out here: zain-sertif-english-club

Issued, 19 February 2021

Student Council of the Bekasi City 2 Vocational High School

Chair of the Section for Religion

Check it out here: zain-sertif-osis

Issued, 1 June 2021

Free Code Camp

Responsive Web Design

Check it out here: bit.ly/3iaTlmm

Issued, 5 June 2021

Code Politan

HTML & CSS Basic

Check it out here: codepolitan.com/c/ZCMGQ2H

Issued, 5 June 2021

Code Politan

JavaScript Basic

Check it out here: codepolitan.com/c/DFNBEG2

Issued, 5 June 2021

Code Politan

JQuery Basic

Check it out here: codepolitan.com/c/BYB8X3F

Issued, 5 June 2021

Code Politan

Git for Beginners

Check it out here: codepolitan.com/c/UF83XTG

Issued, 5 June 2021

Code Politan

Bootstrap Framework

Check it out here: codepolitan.com/c/B2GEFH6

Issued, 6 June 2021

Code Politan

MySQL Database

Check it out here: codepolitan.com/c/WYDOPDH

Issued, 7 June 2021


Build Strong Fundamentals of Developer Skills

Check it out here: gdrive/view

Issued, 12 June 2021

Code Politan

Using MySQL Database in PHP

Check it out here: codepolitan.com/c/MQL3QEN

Issued, 16 June 2021

Bekasi City 2 Vocational High School

Best Graduate Student Majoring in Software Engineering

Check it out here: gdrive/view

Issued, 17 June 2021


Command Line

Check it out here: gdrive/view

Issued, 17 June 2021


React Js

Check it out here: gdrive/view

Issued, 18 June 2021


Git Course

Check it out here: gdrive/view

Issued, 18 June 2021


SASS Course

Check it out here: gdrive/view

Issued, 19 June 2021

EPD Indonesia

Certificate of Attendance for Technical Interview

Check it out here: gdrive/view

Issued, 20 June 2021


PHP Course

Check it out here: gdrive/view

Issued, 22 June 2021


JavaScript ES 6 Course

Check it out here: gdrive/view

Issued, 01 February 2022

One Month

Learn SQL

Check it out here: gdrive/view

What I Do

Responsive Design

Simply put, responsive web design (RWD) that allows design and code to respond to the size of a device’s screen.

Clean Code

Readable, elegant, simple, easy to understand, easy to change, and easy to take care of.

Web Design

Plan, create and code internet sites and web pages, combine text with sounds, pictures, graphics, or video clips.

Graphic Design

Visual communicators, who create visual concepts by using computer software.

SEO Marketing

Describe what the page is all about and write like a copywriter to increase traffic.

Great Support

Respond and answer as quickly as possible precisely and thoroughly.

My Project

All Web App WordPress Design
View Project

Tuition Payment Application

Project Brief

PHP-based tuition website (CodeIgniter 3). Made to fulfill task in school.
It has a Home menu, Class Data, Reports, Officers, Students, and Transactions. The report feature is a PDF that can be per-day or per-period.

Project Info

  • Date : 2019
  • Web : Just in local
  • Tools : CodeIgniter 3, SB Admin 2, Datatables, Bootstrap 4
View Project

Field Industrial Practice

Project Brief

One of the websites created from the results of industrial work practices at Dakota Cargo for portfolio documentation.

Project Info

  • Date : 2020
  • Web : Just in local
  • Tools : HTML & CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap 4, and CodeIgniter 3
View Project

Profile of Software Engineering Majors

Project Brief

Profile of the software engineering department of SMK Negeri 2 Bekasi City.
Has a frontend and backend for dynamic content, there are various kinds of menus such as profiles, vision and mission, projects that have been made by students and others.

Project Info

  • Date : 2021
  • Web : Just in local
  • Tools : HTML & CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap 4, and CodeIgniter 3
View Project

Participant Registration App

Project Brief

Made for an online registration where participants receive email information when registering for the first time and upon receipt.
Has a donut chart and bar chart features, and website settings.

Project Info

  • Date : 2021
  • Web : Just in local
  • Tools : Bootstrap 4, Template DeskApp 2, and Laravel 7
View Project

SKPM - Zain App

Project Brief

This is one of the websites that I am very proud of because I actually made it a total from scratch.
SKPM - Zain App (Sistem Keluhan dan Pengaduan Masyarakat) is a service to convey all aspirations, reports, complaints, and complaints of the community.
Features Security, Free, Anonymous, Tracking ID, and Chatting

Project Info

View Project

Personal CV

Project Brief

This is one of the websites that I am very proud of because I actually made it a total from scratch.
SKPM - Zain App (Sistem Keluhan dan Pengaduan Masyarakat) is a service to convey all aspirations, reports, complaints, and complaints of the community.
Features Security, Free, Anonymous, Tracking ID, and Chatting

Project Info

View Project

Banner Idul Adha 1440H

View Project

Banner Iftar

View Project

Banner Isra Mi'raj 1440H

View Project

Design Hiring for Hiring using Illustrator

View Project

Design Employment Contract Procedures

View Project

Design Logo for Food Stalls

View Project

Company Profile

Project Brief

The company profile which was built using wordpress and templates from mosque.id, so there is only a little custom and you just need to use it, it's easy.

Project Info

View Project

Digital Online Invitation

Project Brief

Web which is built using wordpress, project capital results and the work of my friend named Nanda Musthofa Karim and I only a little help and give him a little advice.
Btw, he is a great editor

Project Info

What they said

Zainudin worked very well in the team and made it really easy for me to work with him, making it easier for the team to communicate with each other so that the project was completed quickly.

testi Alandra Ravi Freelance Programmer

Work is done quickly, thoroughly and professionally. I suggest Programmer Zainuddin Abdullah as the solution to your problem!

testi Dimas Aryasatya Back-End Programmer at Grootech

Zainuddin Abdullah is very professional and very helpful to my team. I am very impressed with his knowledge and input to create and improve the website that is being worked on. I highly recommend it.

testi Zakian Maulana Syaifulloh Web Developer at Goodeva Technology

Get In Touch


+62 851 5761 5586




Surabaya, West Java, Indonesia

Personal Portfolio

Category - Web Application

Project Brief

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nostrum officia vel, laboriosam eius pariatur consequatur incidunt aliquam quidem animi autem provident laborum omnis quam maiores sapiente molestias praesentium, perspiciatis nemo?

Project Info

  • Date - 2020
  • Client - yUm1k4
  • Tools - Html, Css, Bootstrap 4
  • Web - www.domain.com
Project Details
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Theme Color